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streamworks Release 2021

Take a look at the new Release

The new streamworks release 2021 has been available for download in the customer portal since 13/08/2021. The release has been running productively and error-free in the Arvato Systems data centers since the end of April 2021. You will find an overview of the most interesting new features here.

The complete documentation of all new features to the release is available in the customer portal.

Authorization of AD groups
Two-factor authentication
Notifications: Interface for external systems
Web-Request: Processing Response Header
Job log available in Self Service Portal and via REST-API
Dashboard: New widget and new filter options

Authorization of AD groups

Analogous to the users, AD groups can also be authorized for roles, calendars, and schedule rule objects. This means that the authorization no longer has to be maintained for each user - it is sufficient to support the approval of the AD group.

Configuration of the AD groups: 


Two-factor authentication

Every GUI user can now activate two-factor authentication for logging into the desktop client and the Self Service Portal. Two-factor authentication is based on an authenticator app, which generates a one-time password for login.

Activation of two-factor authentication for a GUI user via the profile settings:


Notifications: Interface for external systems

In addition to the existing notification by email or SMS at job start, job end, or "hold for approval," predefined, parameterized PowerShell scripts, e.g., for connecting ticket systems, can now also be executed.

Selecting a notification system for a job end:


Web-Request: Processing Response Header

In addition to the body of a web response, the header can now also be displayed, saved, and parsed.

Parsing the title of the web response into a variable: 


Job log available in Self Service Portal and via REST-API

The log output of a job can now be requested via the Self Service Portal and the Service Management API (REST API).

Retrieving the log output of a job from the Self Service Portal:


Dashboard: New widget and new filter options

The "Resource Watcher" widget is now also available on the dashboard. The "Job types" widget can now be filtered by client, stream category, and stream prefix.

Selecting the "Resource Watcher" widget: 


Your Contact for streamworks

04 profile photo Christoph
Christoph Herold
Expert für Workload Automation