
Arvato Systems Alive

The Hybrid Event Platform

One Platform. Unlimited Potential.

Host virtual and hybrid events. Deliver on-demand media and related content from tradeshows, webinars, and training, and stay in touch with attendees and customers.

Designed for Ease of Use and Maximum Efficiency


Make It Your Event
Customize the frontend using your organization's corporate design. Highlight special content and stay up-to-date - with our proprietary event management system and WYSIWIG editor.

Add Content and Apps Easily
You can always expand to new topics to make sure that events always stay interesting. And as user requirements grow, new functionalities can be easily integrated.

Manage Your Customer Data
Analyze beside conventional event KPI like registrations e.g. how long online attendees follow sessions. Transfer first-party data into your CRM and use it for follow-up activities.

“On Air” All Year Round


Before an Event
Raise attention to upcoming events by creating and promoting landing pages. Enable signups for newsletters and registrations of different categories.



The Live-Event
Plan a unique event experience for all visitors, whether they are on-site or attending virtually. Enable interaction for both groups in different ways - for a shared experience.



After an Event
Fear of missing out is a thing of the past. Make livestreams available as recordings in a media library, add relevant content and inspire your audience even afterwards.


Our Customers

Brigitte Academy: Masterclasses by women for women

Arvato Systems provides technological foundation for BRIGITTE Academy. Learn more about RTL's cross-media brand and the "Alive" event platform now.

Plan and Execute Hybrid Events Throughout the Year

An international engineering company hosts hybrid events of all kinds using our API management to stay in touch with their clientele.

Our Media Library


The media library is a comprehensive collection of your event sessions and other moving image formats such as training videos. Topics, genres and various attributes can be categorized for easy search and retrieval. Our taxonomy framework enables structured navigation, making it easy to discover new media and find familiar content.

Edit Videos


Edit sessions right after broadcasting. Add a company logo and opening or closing sequences. Add tags to make the videos searchable. All from one source, because Vidispine is also Arvato-Systems software and can be seamlessly integrated.



Analyze beside conventional event KPI like registrations e.g. how long online attendees follow sessions. Transfer first-party data into your CRM and use it for follow-up activities. Adjust a large number of your follow-up activities accordingly and align marketing and sales.

Learn More About Our Customer Projects

Brigitte Academy: Masterclasses by women for women

Arvato Systems provides technological foundation for BRIGITTE Academy. Learn more about RTL's cross-media brand and the "Alive" event platform now.

Digital event platform

Award-winning presentation and event platform "Schüco Innovation Now".