Generative AI
The start of the AI-augmented value chain
Generative AI and other foundation models are taking Artificial Intelligence to a new level, improving savings in application development costs and time, enabling personalized and tailored customer experiences, and offering powerful creativity features, especially for non-technical users. But is all this just a hyped gimmick, or can we already adapt practical benefits for our business today? We give helpful background information and guidance.
What Is Generative AI?
The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led many companies to explore this topic. Artificial Intelligence has taken a giant leap forward with the emergence of Generative AI. We have witnessed the emergence of powerful AI tools that can generate new media from text descriptions, images, and complete videos. This type of AI technology is rapidly gaining momentum and is paving the way for an exponential growth trend over the next decade.
Recent breakthroughs in the field, including ChatGPT and Midjourney, demonstrate how AI can do more than interpret text and categorize data. Generative AI is shifting from problem-solving to problem-finding and supporting human decision-making because it can create something new.
Rethink Traditional Value Chains
In today's rapidly changing business landscape, companies constantly look for ways to stay ahead of the competition. ChatGPT and co. can be used to completely rethink existing value chains by combining them into end-to-end solutions. This goes far beyond isolated process optimization. In collaboration with our customers, we enable companies to take a holistic approach to optimize their value chain and rethink the traditional way of creating value.
Frequently Asked Questions about Generative AI
What does Generative AI mean?
Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence that is able to generate new data and content based on existing training data. Various models such as neural networks or generative adversarial networks (GANs) are used for this purpose. By learning data patterns from the training data, these models can then independently generate new, previously non-existent data. For example, texts, images, music, or even videos can be generated that are virtually indistinguishable from human-generated content.
What application areas does Generative AI serve in different industries?
Generative AI finds application in various industries such as art, music, design, video game development, content creation, film production, advertising and more. It can be used to create artwork, music composition, product design, storytelling, virtual and augmented reality applications, personalized advertising, and many other creative and innovative applications.
What are the benefits of Generative AI for companies in the technology industry?
Generative AI offers several benefits to companies in the technology industry, including the ability to generate creative and individualized content, more efficient product development and design iterations, automation of tasks such as content creation or customer service, improvement of user experiences, and competitive advantage through innovative applications.
How can Arvato Systems support the use of Generative AI?
Arvato Systems experts can help companies integrate Generative AI into their business operations and reap the benefits of the technology. In collaboration with our customers, we enable companies to take a holistic approach to optimizing their value chain and rethink the traditional way of creating value. In doing so, we provide advice on strategies, technical possibilities, cultural hurdles and current limitations of the use of Artificial Intelligence.
Contact Us
As part of the Bertelsmann Group, we have been able to become an expert in the field of Generative AI and develop strategies on the technical possibilities, cultural hurdles, and current limits for the use of Artificial Intelligence. We are happy to share this knowledge with you. Why not arrange a meeting with us right now?