MA_Commerce_Pascal Leppich

platbricks® Gamification

For motivated employees

Gamification / CO2 Points System

Tap Into the Human Desire to Play

The competition for suitable employees is becoming increasingly fierce for companies. Monotonous and repetitive tasks are a frequent occurrence in logistics in particular, but they are indispensable for the entire supply chain. Up to now, employees have been motivated using monetary systems that are very expensive despite their low impact. 

There lacks a system that both motivates employees to carry out the tasks in a more sustainable way and is economical. platbricks Gamification taps into the natural human play instinct in order to intrinsically motivate employees to enjoy their work.


A game is selected from the Arvato Systems Gaming Center as needed, which is then adapted to the customer’s requirements. There are features such as:

  • Game features: live scoring, live notifications, live dashboards, score overview/competition overview
  • Organizer features such as team setup, scheduling
  • Live scoring
  • Live notifications
  • Live dashboard
  • Score and competition overview
  • Organizer features such as team setup, scheduling
  • The Arvato Systems Motivation Index is used to measure the increase in motivation


Employees are motivated through playing games
Increase in productivity
Evaluation of live data
Simple administration and attractive user interface
Increased employee loyalty and satisfaction

Reduce Customer Returns - With the Gamification / CO2 Points System

With our use case "Gamification/CO² points system" we want to positively influence the return behavior of customers. In concrete terms, this looks like this:

  • Area-based customer groups compete with each other by having individual customers collect CO² points.
  • These points are totaled for the respective regions and compared with competing areas.  
  • If you add a benefit to the fun challenge - in our case, virtual trees grow in the app the more points you have - this additionally increases the motivation to change behavior accordingly.     

Also watch our video to get an insight.

With this approach, we are addressing currently relevant questions about the sustainable use of resources as well as the problem of a high number of returns in online retailing, which are associated with enormous costs. Through the interaction of SAP CX and our cloud platform platbricks, this is not only done on a technologically resilient basis, the approach also reflects our high level of technical innovation. 

The Following Goals Are Addressed:

Reduction of returns: By using the "gamification/CO² points system, customers are encouraged to generate fewer returns.
Image maintenance: Orders are converted into a CO² credit, returns into a CO² penalty. By using such an app, a company shows itself to be environmentally aware and future-oriented.
Creating incentives to buy: the competitive approach of comparison groups creates incentives to buy, because people want to win competitions.
Promoting sustainability: Customers are encouraged to reconsider their return behavior and order more selectively.
Collecting customer data: By regularly changing competing groups, a company can learn more about its customers and their return behavior.

Deep Dive

Demo System: platbricks® Chatbot Platform

Please get to know the platbricks® chatbot platform in our free demo system for 14 days and use the five bots provided in it. You can chat independently with the bots and customize or extend them according to your needs. 

White Paper "AI in Logistics"

In this white paper, we describe the importance of AI for the logistics industry, present some use cases, and provide tips and advice on what to consider when implementing AI solutions.

Use Case Collection: Use Cases of AI in Logistics

The use of artificial intelligence takes process quality and efficiency to a new level in logistics as well. Here, we have compiled ten use cases of AI in logistics for you and show their advantages.

platbricks® Warehouse Management System Basic

With the platbricks® WMS Basic, we have developed a simple and efficient standard solution to enable you to take the step into the digital world cost-effectively and via Plug & Play.

Demo System: platbricks® Warehouse Management

Get to know the cloud-based platbricks® Warehouse Management in practice and try out the module over a period of 14 days in our free demo system. 

Chatbots In Logistics: Innovation Brief

This Innovation Briefing provides background knowledge on chatbots and presents a number of use cases in detail.

Dos and Don'ts of Using Chatbots in Logistics

There are a few things to consider when introducing chatbots in logistics. Our checklist tells you what you need to pay attention to.

platbricks® - Smart Logistics Unlimited

Designed as a digital modular system, platbricks® can be used to orchestrate internal and cross-company logistics processes and execute them with smart mobile wearables.

Full Transparency in Subcontracting

With these tips, you'll be able to keep track of inventory and manufacturing steps at the contract service provider when subcontracting.

SAP® Transformation in Logistics

Real-time capability and security as well as flexibility and scalability form challenges that logistics managers have to face. A holistic software environment could be the answer.

Your Contacts for Gamification

Bernd Jaschinski-Schürmann
Expert for Logistics IT
MA_Commerce_Pascal Leppich
Pascal Leppich
Expert for Logistics IT
Bernd Jaschinski-Schürmann
Expert for Logistics IT
Michael Dreimann
Michael Dreimann
Expert for Logistics IT