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Factory-X: Data as a Key Resource

Part 3 - A look at the use cases

Part 3 - Factory-X: Use Cases for Production
Digital Transformation

The third part of our blog series on the topic of Factory-X within the Manufacturing-X project family is dedicated to the remaining five use cases of the initiative. These also address aspects of real industrial practice, including challenges and possible solutions.

The following five use cases are clearly differentiated from one another. The defined use cases continue to focus on the value-added exchange of data.

Integrated Toolchains and Collaborative Engineering

The need for collaborative and interoperable software applications along the supply chain is constantly increasing (tool chain). Above all, the aim is to enable the integration of tools in a standardized way and consequently to achieve a certain degree of automation through the use of software. This process can be outlined as follows: First, various components must be configured and coordinated with each other. Once this has been completed, the integration process follows. Ensuring data continuity and joint collaborative work within the product lifecycles is therefore the basis for holistic integration. This subsequently includes integration into ERP, PLM and other operational systems.

Condition Monitoring Led Services

While retaining the core concept of data sovereignty, processes for monitoring the condition of machines are to be optimized. This requires the exchange of data across manufacturer boundaries. New digital services are to be made possible between the factory operator, machine manufacturer and suppliers of machine components as part of the data economy. The software supplier occupies a central position here, as various use cases such as remote service, field service or collaborative monitoring are made possible by their involvement.

Autonomous Operation-as-a-Service

The primary goal is to enable solutions for intelligent remote monitoring solutions. In this sense, the physical presence of personnel is to be reduced and efficiency increased. Solutions for sensory data acquisition and artificial intelligence are to be applied.

Energy Consumption and Load Management

Companies are confronted with a structural change in their energy management. On the one hand, the reduction of energy consumption from environmentally harmful energy sources is a challenge for society as a whole; on the other hand, energy costs are a significant cost factor for resource-intensive industrial companies and reducing them is therefore a business lever. However, implementing these measures and more efficient load management requires detailed and data-based tracking of the company's energy resources:

  • Workstream energy consumption 
    With the help of digital twins, controller functions and sensor technology, it should be possible to record and analyze the energy demand on the machine side.
  • Workstream load management
    The aim is to monitor and forecast energy consumption, taking into account peak utilization.

Carbon footprint management

The central task in this use case is to reduce theCO2 footprint to such an extent thatCO2 neutrality can be achieved in the future in the best case scenario. To achieve this, it is necessary to act across the entire value chain and cover the entire product life cycle process. Based on regulatory requirements, sustainability goals must not only be taken into account in the operational production process and the entire supply chain, but also implemented.

The topics discussed in this third and second part of our blog series on the Factory-X Initiative are diverse in their origins. However, they are united by their data-centric approaches to solutions. It remains exciting to see how the individual projects of the Factory-X initiative will develop in the coming months and years under the cooperation of the partners and what practical added value will be made possible for companies in the manufacturing industry.


As an associated partner, Arvato Systems is one of a total of 57 partners, including 47 joint partners and 10 associated partners from industry, research and associations in the Factory-X joint project, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and is groundbreaking for the industry. SAP, our strategic and long-standing partner, and Siemens have taken over the project leadership of the initiative.

The Author

Johannes Fuhrmann is Head of Strategic Business Development at Arvato Systems. In this role, he is responsible for the portfolio and product development for the manufacturing industry. His focus is mainly on the topics of digital twin, digital administration shell and the development of shared data ecosystems in the industry. Prior to his career at Arvato Systems, Johannes Fuhrmann held various relevant positions within the manufacturing industry. For example, he worked as a Senior Consultant for Industry 4.0 at Deloitte Consulting and as Head of Digital Operations and Business Development at VELUX. Johannes Fuhrmann completed his studies at the University of Warwick with a Master of Science (MSc.) in Information Systems Management. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Technical Business Administration from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg).

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Written by

Fuhrmann, Johannes
Johannes Fuhrmann
Head of Strategic Business Development