
Press Release

09. August 2022

Best Ranking on the Topic of Sustainability for Arvato Systems

Top awareness of ecological, economic, and social responsibility

  • Social Listening by "Deutschland Test" and IMWF
  • Award from "Focus Money" magazine
  • Arvato Systems receives the "Germany's Best" seal for sustainability

Gütersloh – Which companies and brands do people perceive positively regarding sustainability? This question was investigated by the "Deutschland Test" together with the Hamburg Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF), and as a result, together with "Focus Money", the seal "Germany's Best - Sustainability 2022" was awarded. In a large-scale social listening exercise, Arvato Systems came first with the best score for IT service providers.

Business success is measured not only by economic indicators but also by how sustainably and responsibly companies act. Arvato Systems sees itself as a part of and partner to society and is committed to taking responsibility for its employees, culture, and the environment. This is reflected, for instance, in extensive measures relating to energy efficiency in the company's data centers, which have been and are being implemented over many years, or in the use of green electricity. In addition, the IT service provider is also working on the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence. And the topic of diversity also plays an important role. For instance, the Arvato Systems women's network "herSystemS" was founded several years ago. Likewise, the company attends explicitly recruiting events that address certain target groups - for example, women from the tech environment or people from the LGBTIQ community.

"All of these are, of course, just individual examples," says Ralf Schürmann, a member of the Arvato Systems Management Board, where he is responsible for corporate responsibility. "We try to be active as a company in many places. This starts with waste avoidance - even on a small scale - and extends to the possibility of taking advantage of offers for company bicycles and extensive efforts to be climate-neutral in the foreseeable future," Schürmann continued. "And we want to do all this in teams that are as diverse as possible - because they are more successful!"

Top awareness of ecological, economic, and social responsibility for Arvato Systems

In the study "Germany's Best - Sustainability 2022," Arvato Systems now achieved the best score and thus received the award as the industry winner among IT service providers.

"The current award shows that our efforts are obviously being noticed. And that makes us very happy, of course," Schürmann continues. "Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement in all these areas. That's why we're keeping our eye on the ball, and the award is a further motivation for us!"

The social listening study was commissioned by Focus Money and Deutschland Test and conducted by the IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research with scientific support from the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI). Approximately 2.8 million mentions of a good 19,000 companies and brands were identified and assigned.

In a two-stage process, according to the IMWF, all freely accessible texts on the web with relevant search terms on sustainability were first collected. After this so-called "crawling," the data was then analyzed and evaluated in processing using AI methods. All three dimensions examined - social, economic, and ecological sustainability - were each given a weighting of one-third in the model. Social listening thus provides information about which companies and brands enjoy a positive perception when it comes to sustainability.

About Arvato Systems

Arvato Systems is an international IT specialist that supports major companies in Digital Transformation. We stand for strong industry knowledge, in-depth technology expertise and a clear focus on customer requirements. Working as a team, we develop innovative IT solutions, transition our clients into the Cloud, integrate digital processes, and take on IT systems operation and support. As part of Bertelsmann, we are built on the solid foundations of a German global corporation. At the same time, we rely on our strong strategic partner network with top international players such as AWS, Google, Microsoft and SAP. We make the digital world easier, more efficient and more secure and our customers more successful. We Empower Digital Leaders. 

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