Press Release
23. January 2023
Secure Data Exchange in the Energy Market through AS4 Protocol: Hardware Security Module Comes into Focus

Gütersloh – On October 1, 2023, the German energy market will take the next step toward digitizing the utilities industry. The AS4 protocol will become the technical standard for electronic market communication and raise data exchange to a new level of security. Arvato Systems is supporting the transformation of the energy industry's market partners and giving them complete flexibility in implementation. Particular focus is placed on the hardware security module (HSM), which must be operated encapsulated in a certified data center and ensures the encryption of market messages.
"Regardless of the utilities' strategy, whether they want to operate all or part of their IT systems in the cloud or on-premises, organize their processes as Process-as-a-Service, or locate the HSM in their own data center - our solution offering will be able to cover all these HSM constellations easily," says Andreas Pöhner, Vice President Utilities Solutions at Arvato Systems.
The changeover is challenging for all market players, raising questions and causing uncertainty in many places. Therefore, Arvato Systems attaches great importance to ensuring that the transformation is stringent and as smooth as possible for users and that the new market communication processes function as simply and automatically as possible.
Specialist for IT Security
The topic of IT security is in the best hands at Arvato Systems. As an IT service provider for many utilities and network operators with critical infrastructures, Arvato Systems has unique expertise. "Our highly secure data center based in Germany is the best possible haven for HSM," emphasizes Pöhner.
Arvato Systems is in close contact with customers and interested parties to be able to set the course at an early stage. The AS4 team flexibly supports diverse implementation models. All standard backend systems can be integrated. The hardware security modules are operated on a multi-client basis and are provided to match the required transaction volume.
To enable the most comfortable system change and operation possible, the company offers a complete package that supports the fundamental transformation:
- AS4 consulting
- AS4 commissioning
- Provision of the security components
- Configuration of the interfaces
- Licensing
- AS4 support
Arvato Systems has already developed the AS4 user interface and integrated it into the existing product world so that customers and interested parties can get a concrete impression. Development of the AS4 software is to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2023 at the latest. From the second quarter, the systems will be set up and can be tested so that they are ready to go on time for October 1, 2023.
About Arvato Systems
Arvato Systems is an international IT specialist that supports major companies in Digital Transformation. We stand for strong industry knowledge, in-depth technology expertise and a clear focus on customer requirements. Working as a team, we develop innovative IT solutions, transition our clients into the Cloud, integrate digital processes, and take on IT systems operation and support. As part of Bertelsmann, we are built on the solid foundations of a German global corporation. At the same time, we rely on our strong strategic partner network with top international players such as AWS, Google, Microsoft and SAP. We make the digital world easier, more efficient and more secure and our customers more successful. We Empower Digital Leaders.