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Data Hubs in the Energy Industry

The central platform for all energy data

Data Hubs in the Energy Industry
Data Management
Digital Transformation

The Need for Data Hubs in the Energy Industry

Increasing digitalization and regulation in the energy industry presents companies with new challenges. In particular, meeting regulatory requirements, efficiently managing large volumes of data, and ensuring grid stability are vital issues. So far, so good! However, the pace and complexity of the changes is increasing once again. Introducing data hubs as central data storage solutions is becoming increasingly important in this context. 

What does the new regulation of Section 14a EnWG mean for the processing of energy industry data?

The new regulation of Section 14a EnWG by the Federal Network Agency aims to ensure the long-term grid stability of the German energy market. To this end, grid operators (NB), in particular, need access to grid status data from smart meter gateways (SMGWs) for their control and switching analyses in the low voltage. However, suppliers (LF) and energy service providers (ESA) are also interested in high-frequency measured values for providing value-added services. A DataHub collects the encrypted measured values from connected market partners. It enables this data to be decrypted and made available to the backend systems to meet the requirements.


Why is efficient data processing and provision important?

The increasing volume of energy data and sources, as well as legislators' requirements, require efficient management and provision of measured values and master data. A data hub offers a solution here by acting as a central location for storing and providing this energy industry and technical data. This central data hub facilitates access to relevant information for downstream systems and ensures the structuring and management of data.

A vital advantage of a data hub lies in its flexibility in structuring and managing data. Different access authorizations and the ability to store and provide measured values in different granularities, for example, make it possible to optimally meet the requirements of various stakeholders, such as determining the grid status for the grid operator, optimizing energy consumption for the supplier and value-added services for the energy service provider.

Why does it make sense to use data hubs in the cloud?

The use of cloud technologies and the integration of multi-client systems as software-as-a-service (SaaS) offer additional benefits for data hubs. The scalability and flexibility of a cloud-based solution enable simple and rapid adaptation to changing requirements and fast service provision.

In terms of secure data processing, data hubs in the cloud have a clear advantage. For example, the market processes of the universal ordering process for ordering grid status data and switching time configurations from the metering point operator (MSB) and the new BDEW web service interface (BDEW API) for switching and control can be provided via the same security infrastructure.

What Are the Benefits of Data Hubs in Summary?

Central data storage

A data hub enables the centralized storage and management of measured values and master data from a large number of locations and sources. This creates a uniform database that can be accessed by various authorized market participants.

Sustainable increase in efficiency

Centralized data storage and management increases the efficiency of data processing and provision. The data for a location no longer has to be distributed from different locations, which saves time and resources.

Data access for authorized market roles

A data hub enables grid operators, suppliers and energy service providers, for example, to data from a wide variety of sources to be retrieved or sent to them as required, instead of waiting for the metering point operator to provide them with the data. This is equivalent to a data hub and increases flexibility and enables a faster response to market needs.

Avoidance of star-shaped measured value distribution

The use of a data hub avoids a star-shaped distribution of data, in which the metering point operator would have to distribute the data to each individual authorized market role. Instead, all authorized market roles can retrieve the energy industry and technical data directly from the data hub or have it sent automatically.

Scalability and flexibility

A data hub can be easily expanded and adapted to new requirements thanks to its multi-client capability. This makes it possible to scale the infrastructure and adapt to changing market conditions or regulatory requirements.

Security and high availability

High-availability and secure operation, including the necessary hardware security modules for decrypting smart meter data and the BDEW API, is usually carried out in German data centers.

Conclusion: Data hubs as an essential basis for efficient data processing and provision in the energy industry

Overall, data hubs play a decisive role in fulfilling the many requirements for efficiently managing large volumes of data in the energy industry. Thanks to their central role, they enable efficient data processing and provision for all parties involved, thus contributing to optimizing energy market processes. This is how the energy transition succeeds!

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Written by

Alexander Beck
Alexander Beck
Expert for Energy Industry Processes