
Product Information Management (PIM)

All product data in the right place at the right time

Current Product Data Always within Reach

All companies are familiar with the problem: Searching for necessary product information wastes valuable time. 

Seamless processes require high-quality, up-to-date product data that is available at all times – this applies both for marketing and sales as well as customer service. The quality of the product information is important in ensuring reliable data searches and content marketing in general.

High-performance PIM is indispensable

Provision of ever-more up-to-date product information is simply not possible without a powerful system for product information management, or PIM.

PIM with CX

SAP CX offers you powerful functions in this area as well. And the best part is: We have accumulated extensive expertise over a range of projects and we would be happy to share our experience with you.

Benefit from Our Expertise!

The Challenge

Our experience has shown: In most companies, product data and information is created, stored, and made available by a wide range of different departments – and almost nobody has a clear overview of the data.

This applies to both sales and technical information, descriptive texts, brochures and fliers, pictures and multimedia content, and valuable product feedback from social media. And all of that information is in different languages to meet the needs of your international business operations. When you manage these massive amounts of data using a centralized, structured, and secure system, you can significantly increase the efficiency of your company’s processes.

CX PIM-Options

SAP CX aggregates product information from a range of sources and compiles them in a central location. This allows your product management and marketing and sales teams to collaborate seamlessly with one another as well as with branch offices, subsidiaries, and external partners.

You can manage the documents using catalogs and make them available for everyone to use. Flexible approval processes and workflows accelerate the provision of product information. This makes it easy to ensure that the product data you provide to your users is always up-to-date. 

Our Services

We use our expertise garnered from a range of projects to support you in your PIM project. We accompany you through the conception of processes and systems, the implementation process, the training of your team, and support services. Using our comprehensive IT approaches, we ensure complete integration of your PIM system with your existing applications.

If necessary, we can also manage the operation of your PIM system for you – you can place your full trust in our highly available data centers and our cloud solutions.

Everything from a single source

Conception, selection, implementation, introduction, and operation of the PIM system are all provided from a single source, increasing synergy effects and eliminating time-consuming communication with multiple partners.

Comprehensive Solution

Comprehensive IT Solutions that extend beyond a single PIM system ensure seamless integration in other existing IT Systems.

Industry Expertise

Extensive experience and industry expertise help to establish the right conditions to achieve acceptance among the many stakeholders of a PIM system. 

Rapid Implementation

Our industry-specific add-ons shorten the project implementation time.

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Your Contact for PIM-Solutions

Gerrit Stuchtey
Expert for Customer Experience