“Finding Instead of Searching” - BB-Verpackungen Relies on the platbricks® WMS
Faster and more efficient logistics processes thanks to platbricks®
“Every Process Is Now Systemically Supported and Documented”

BB-Verpackungen sees itself as the "packaging optimizer". From adhesive tape to cardboard boxes, the full-service partner for packaging solutions offers individual solutions for its customers from various industries. The company's product range also includes complete intralogistics solutions, e.g. various conveyor technologies.
Efficient logistics processes are essential for BB-Verpackungen in order to be able to deliver orders to customers quickly and reliably. In close cooperation with Arvato Systems, the company has successfully implemented platbricks® Warehouse Management.
"Digitalization was a complete change for us. We came from a paper-based world and now walk around the warehouse with scanners and every process is systematically supported and documented," explains André Kück, Head of Logistics at BB-Verpackungen.
Customer Benefits
Our Services

In a digitalized process, the platbricks® WMS receives the deliveries in digital form from the ERP and automatically coordinates the processing. Warehouse staff receive route-optimized orders digitally on their mobile devices so that as many orders as possible can be processed in one go. The products are scanned at the storage location to ensure the correct item selection. The WMS monitors the entire process in real time, automatically compares the selected items with the order lists and coordinates the subsequent shipping process.
About BB Verpackungen
BB-Verpackungen GmbH is a full-service partner for packaging solutions and offers a wide range of packaging products for various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals and logistics. BB-Verpackungen attaches great importance to quality and sustainability and therefore relies on environmentally friendly materials and production processes.