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More Efficient with iPaaS and Generative AI

Future-proof integration for companies

Generative AI: The Revolution of Integration Platform as a Service
Digital Transformation
Artificial Intelligence
Microsoft Azure

Who hasn't experienced this? Departments need data from different systems and are wondering how they can process it. Due to the limited technical options, users look for a workaround in the form of a manual data export from the source systems in order to then import them into the target application. This manual method of working is carried out regularly over many years and has become established. As a rule, it is recommended to others to solve similar problems. Strictly speaking, however, this way of working is merely pseudo-automation. It is both inefficient and therefore cost-intensive, as well as being beyond the control of IT and therefore a potential data security risk.


iPaaS is a practical solution for integrating different applications and data in order to meet the requirements of the business departments and IT. In addition, iPaaS also offers a scalable platform that can be used across systems for the interaction of data. And it is precisely this interaction that forms a solid basis for the use of Generative AI.

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate texts, designs, codes and other content based on existing data. Generative AI has the potential to change and improve the way we work, learn and communicate. Consequently, the positive effects of Generative AI are amplified the more data is logically linked and not just brought together through manual imports and exports.

The potential of Generative AI is already known to many and is being considered and tested in companies. But how can iPaaS increase its potential for use?

What Is iPaaS? And What Are the Benefits for Companies?

IPaaS stands for "Integration Platform as a Service". This is a cloud-based integration solution that supports companies in connecting and automating various applications, systems and data. Companies today not only use many different SaaS applications, but also on-premise systems. The need to connect and automate different systems such as ERP and CRM and to combine data is an ongoing issue and presents companies with challenges.

An iPaaS platform offers companies a wide range of benefits, including:

  1. Increased efficiency and shorter time-to-market: By automating integration processes and using low-code solutions, companies can save time and resources that they can use elsewhere. Automation through iPaaS also enables the aggregation of data from various sources and therefore also the use of AI and machine learning.
  2. Improved data quality, security and governance: iPaaS platforms can help minimize data quality issues by cleansing, validating and transforming data. At the same time, relationships between data and systems become more transparent.
  3. Flexibility: iPaaS platforms enable companies to react quickly to changes in business requirements by seamlessly integrating new applications and systems into the existing IT infrastructure.
  4. Cost reduction: Because Integration Platform as a Service is cloud-based, companies can avoid expensive hardware and software and instead only pay for the resources they need. Development resources can also be used more optimally, allowing developers to achieve more.

This need also becomes apparent when using Generative AI - such as Microsoft Copilot. The strengths of these AI applications can only be used optimally by employees if they receive accurate, up-to-date and valid data. If the AI application is only familiar with part of the data, it can only use this data as an answer option. Important data from other systems may then be missing. Similarly, training with old or incorrect data also leads to poor results for the AI application.

At a Glance: Companies with Centralized Platforms Use Them To...

...offer holistic omnichannel experiences.
...personalize customer data in real time.
...connect different data sources in supplier portals. present customized offers or products to existing and new customers.
...optimize generative AI-based solutions. allow robotic process automation solutions or low-code applications to operate across systems.

Do you have any questions about Generative AI and iPaaS? We will be happy to help you

Our Conclusion: The Key Benefits of iPaaS

With Integration Platform as a Service, companies can integrate legacy and cloud systems, easily manage data and applications and solve complex integration problems. In this context, there is also talk of a centrally managed data platform that is used company-wide and aggregates the data required for each specialist area or makes it available as raw data. This enables companies to significantly reduce the operating, administration and development costs of interfaces. In addition to cost savings through a central platform, iPaaS also offers additional efficiency gains and added value to improve the quality of applications in other areas.

Written by

Karsten Schneider
Expert for Microsoft 365