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Modern Online Store Operation in Amazon Web Services

Ease of Operation and Maintenance of your Online Store thanks to AWS

Online shopping has once again taken on a whole new relevance in the pandemic. It is often even the only alternative. The company's own online store is more important than ever and in some cases even business-critical.

The demands on a professional online store are high: it must be fail-safe and perform well, contain the latest functionalities, remain state-of-the-art and also guarantee the security of sensitive customer data. This can quickly make the long-term operation of an online store complex. Therefore, it is even more important that your store is set up in such a way that smooth operation is possible. 

Whether SAP Commerce, Pimcore, Spryker or another system, we help you to set up your store landscape in such a way that updates, patches and features can be applied easily and quickly, manual operating processes are automated as much as possible and you get real-time insights into the performance and security key figures of your system. 

With Amazon Web Services, the drive of the global market leader Amazon, we dynamize your store operations by implementing state-of-the-art Container technology, automation tools and professional Managed Services as well as security operation services.

Arrange an initial consultation

Potential assessment as a basis for decision-making

We analyze your existing infrastructure and evaluate the potential of modernizing your store landscape in AWS in terms of costs and benefits. You receive the results from us with your individual potential assessment as a basis for decision-making.

State-of-the-art online store infrastructure

We modernize your existing infrastructure by applying CI/CD practices, implementing automation tools and upgrading your infrastructure to the latest container technology, depending on the starting point.

To do this, we leverage our experience and expertise with services including: Cloudfront, WAF, ECS, EKS, ECR, Autoscaling, Code Pipeline.

Professional operation of your store system

We operate your store system in the managed service model 24/7 on request with a view to maximum efficiency. We keep track of the performance and cost consumption of your landscape and optimize it to your greatest possible advantage. If you wish, you can make use of our SOCs extended security operation services.

  • The AWS experts from Arvato Systems first conducted a potential assessment for a German furniture manufacturer in the form of a professional AWS Well-Architected Review. The optimization and automation potential was then addressed as part of a modernization project. For this purpose, Arvato Systems set up a landing zone in AWS and developed a multi-level store landscape with a view to maximum automation. The Arvato Systems team worked closely with the customer's SAP Commerce service provider. Arvato Systems provided the customer's IT staff with comprehensive training on the new technology and empowered them for possible in-house operation.  

    The new environment meets the requirements of the AWS Well-Architected Framework and is also more flexible and easier for the customer to maintain. Manual processes could be reduced and the degree of automation significantly increased. In perspective, further setups in a similar style are to follow. 


    • Increased level of automation
    • Better maintainability 
    • More performant architecture
    • Knowledge transfer through AWS experts from Arvato Systems 
  • Arvato Systems developed a new D2B store based on Pimcore for a customer and manufacturer of cosmetic and medical products. Amazon Web Services was chosen to host the new system, which was also to be taken over by Arvato Systems. The AWS experts from Arvato Systems took on the task of building the infrastructure based on Kubernetes and EKS clusters. The result was a three-tier landscape consisting of a dev, pre-prod and prod environment. The dev environment was adapted to the dynamic requirements of the Pimcore system. In a joint workshop with the customer, Arvato Systems experts developed and implemented further cost optimization measures. Arvato Systems operates the system in a managed service model, which meets the dynamic requirements of the system.


    • Cost-efficient system operation
    • Scalability and elasticity 
    • System reliability

With a modern online store operation...

Apply patches, updates and features easily and quickly at any time
reduce manual processes
get professional monitoring in real time

Successful Customer Projects


Container Management in AWS


Migration to AWS

Cognid Telematik

AWS Migration

Dr. Kurt Wolff

Learn more about the project of our customer Dr. Kurt Wolff, for whom we consolidated all e-commerce activities in one system.


AWS Consulting


AWS Migration Consulting

Meteo Group

High Performance Computing in AWS


Onlineshop Hosting on AWS

Radio NRW

Cloud advantages for the content management of Radio NRW


Modern Webshop Hosting


AWS Well-Architected Review


AWS Consulting


Scaleable Webhosting for VNR


Modern data management

Arvato Supply Chain Solutions Loyalty

Building a cloud-based contact center

Amazon Web Services - The drive from the world market leader Amazon

AWS Partner Logo

The AWS Cloud provides access to on-demand IT resources designed to drive innovation, reduce costs, and improve processing security. Unlike on-premises infrastructure, AWS requires no upfront investment and is easily scalable in both directions. Plus, you only pay for the capacity you actually use. You simply choose the services you want to use and pay only for those services. AWS also offers a building block of modern tools and methodologies to automate and modernize IT processes. Amazon, one of the most successful online stores, relies on Amazon Web Services.

Arrange an initial consultation

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Your Contact for Amazon Web Services

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Steffen Groba
Expert for Amazon Web Services