ISG Provider Lens™ “Private/Hybrid Cloud – Data Center Services”
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ISG PROVIDER LENS™ "Private/Hybrid Cloud – Data Center Services"
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Arvato Systems Receives Awards in the ISG Provider Lens™ Categories “Managed Services for Large Accounts” and “Managed Hosting for Large Accounts”
In the ISG Provider LensTM study on "Private/Hybrid Cloud - Data Center Services", ISG, as one of the leading market research and consulting companies in the IT environment, once again compares the topic-relevant strengths, challenges and unique selling points of IT service providers in 2023. Arvato Systems emerges as the leader in the categories "Managed Services for Large Accounts" and "Managed Hosting for Large Accounts" and thus scores as one of the top companies in these areas.
In addition to "impressive transformation capabilities" and a "comprehensive portfolio with in-depth industry knowledge", Arvato Systems' expertise in the sovereign cloud clearly contributed to its positioning as a "Leader" in the ISG quadrant "Managed Services for Large Accounts". According to ISG's assessment, the corresponding offering complements Arvato Systems' multi-cloud service portfolio. With regard to the positive rating in the "Managed Hosting for Large Accounts" category, ISG underscores the high security and quality standards that benefit customers based on the expertise gained from operating their own private cloud environment.
Arvato Systems: Top Providers for Cloud-based Managed Services
The report is based on various qualitative and quantitative data, such as current ISG research programs, interviews with ISG consultants and analyses of publicly available market information from various sources. ISG's assessment highlights Arvato Systems' strengths in providing services to large enterprises. ISG awards the "Leader" designation to companies that score points for their outstanding product and service offerings and for their market and competitive position. In this case, Arvato Systems is one of the top providers for offering transition services to optimize IT landscapes, as well as enterprise-level hosting solutions for midsize and large companies.