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His in the Cloud

Future-proofing hospital management software

Hospital Information Systems on the Way to the Cloud

Increasing digitalization in the healthcare sector brings new challenges, particularly for hospitals, university clinics, and hospital groups. Data volumes are growing disproportionately both for individual facilities and for all patients. The previous solution was to book more capacity in local data centers. However, this approach is not only dubious from a business point of view, new functions, application options and features are being lost to hospitals by sticking to conventional IT structures. Instead, web-based and future-proof information systems are needed.


Providers of hospital information systems (HIS) have a particular opportunity and responsibility in this context. But even here, many are not even close to being "cloud-ready". Nevertheless, they are usually the first point of contact when hospitals need to drive forward the digital transformation and implement web-based hospital information systems.


However, with SAP's withdrawal from IS-H and the end of maintenance approaching, HIS manufacturers could now make the most of their industry and consulting expertise: Show your customers cloud-based infrastructure solutions that cover and even exceed the current digital state of the art in the healthcare market. The timing is ideal: Hospitals desperately seek cloud-based HIS, HIS-as-a-service solutions, and new possibilities, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Cloud as a Driver of Transformation

Now is the right time for HIS manufacturers to approach their hospital customers and work with them to find solutions. After all, current and future hospital requirements can only be met with and in the cloud. In addition to all relevant core functions and innovative AI application options, hyperscalers and public cloud providers, above all, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, also score points with interesting business features: While capacities are always booked at full load in the local data center, pay-as-you-go models in the public cloud even ensure significant cost savings.

However, the most significant advantages of hosting and data management in the cloud lie in its future viability. Suppose you want to have the right information in the right place at the right time, create AI-supported prediction models from your data lakes, or optimize reimbursement and patient management. In that case, you can no longer ignore the cloud with its AI deployment options.

The good news is that all the necessary cloud solutions and infrastructures for HIS manufacturers and their customers - hospitals, university clinics, and hospital groups - already exist on the market. The task now is to select them in a customer- and criteria-oriented manner and to ensure with a high degree of care that the HIS meets all these requirements and runs smoothly in the cloud.

Your Benefits for Your HIS in the Cloud

  1. Improved image for your company
  2. Increased customer loyalty thanks to a future-proof, state-of-the-art solution
  3. Profiling from software provider to "partner" in digitalization
  4. Scaling your HIS solution for new (European) customer groups
  5. More excellent data and IT security for your hospital customers
  6. Reduction in IT structure costs for hospital customers
  7. Greater efficiency and flexibility for hospitals, for example, through mobile, web-based solutions
  8. Image enhancement for your hospital customers - state-of-the-art equipment
  9. Specializing your IT in your HIS solutions by outsourcing cloud expertise to specialized partners

Moving to the Cloud

What are the most critical steps on the "HIS to the cloud" journey?

  • Identification of a suitable partner for your web-based cloud-based HIS based on the criteria of market position, length of business activity, certifications with public cloud providers, expertise in the healthcare market, contacts with cloud providers, and federal policy.

  • Consider the most important future developments in telematics infrastructure in Germany, such as TI Messenger and the connection of hospitals to these systems.

  • Developing the current and future cloud architecture for your HIS with your chosen IT partner.

  • Alternative solution finding in the multi-cloud area, considering KRITIS and data protection requirements, integration of automatic backup and instant recovery solutions with your IT partner.

  • Trial and test runs of the web-based, mobile HIS system parallel to ongoing operations.

  • Addressing your hospital customers with your new HIS cloud solution.

Ekkehard Mittelstaedt_Web

"The momentum has arrived: HIS manufacturers should now urgently opt for a long-term cloud partner who can provide them with secure support in the architecture of sovereign IT. In addition to know-how, certifications, and expert knowledge, a strong network throughout the German healthcare market and the exchange with the relevant hyperscalers at both German and European levels are critical! We know the exact answers to all questions relating to the cloud and have the right recipes for the secure and stable operation of an HIS in the cloud - with all the advantages for you as an HIS provider and your hospital customers."

Arvato Systems

Arvato Systems: Partner in the Digitization of the Healthcare Sector

Buzzwords and market requirements such as sovereign IT, cloud digitization, hyperscaling, and big data are issues that are difficult for a HIS manufacturer to solve on its own. The increasing qualification requirements for employees, the high pace of technical change, and the differentiated and constantly growing challenges in terms of data security, information exchange in the healthcare sector, the electronic patient record (ePa), and hospital-specific requirements such as the use of AI in business administration or reimbursement: All of this calls for a highly specialized, competent and yet individual partnership for an HIS manufacturer.


Arvato Systems is precisely this reliable and highly qualified partner for all current and future challenges facing HIS manufacturers. We are in close contact with all major players in the German healthcare sector and global hyperscalers, operate the central TI services(telematics infrastructure), develop our products, such as the TI messenger tim+, and are a proven cross-industry pioneer in all aspects of digital transformation in Germany. This is how we ensure the infrastructure operation of your HIS in the cloud.

Why Choosing Arvato Systems as a Partner of the Future for HIS Manufacturers?

  1. Integration into Bertelsmann as an international company with consolidated revenues of over €20 billion (2023)
  2. Center of Excellence - Long-standing and experienced international IT service provider for digital transformation and operator of Gematik's central TI services and in the KRITIS environment
  3. Competence team with experts from the e-health sector
  4. Multi-cloud provider: Excellent and certified cloud expertise with state-of-the-art standards from all relevant cloud providers with the highest levels of certification
  5. Reliable SaaS partner for innovation, flexibility, and proximity
  6. Established cloud outsourcing specialists with their server parks for susceptible data
  7. Best performance and maximum flexibility with Avvia Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  8. High contribution to climate and environmental protection: Arvato Systems is certified according to ISO/IEC 22237 and DIN EN50600

Frequently Asked Questions about HIS and the Cloud

  • It is generally accepted that the cloud is far more secure than most local data centers. By sharing essential public cloud components, such as cyber security, backup, instant recovery systems, and automated support, data, and operational security are guaranteed. The more value HIS providers place on cloud-native systems, the more secure it becomes, as public cloud providers automatically upgrade to the latest technologies. The data is secure, and as long as there is a redundant internet connection for your hospital customers, the data is safe. To meet GDPR requirements for specific data sets, the cloud operation of the HIS can be securely connected to local data centers, for example, from Arvato Systems.

  • As a service provider for Gematik's central services and as a provider of telematics infrastructure services, Arvato Systems is in close contact with politics and business. We are also involved in a strategic exchange with the hyperscalers to advance Germany's digitalization. We are a certified service provider for all relevant public cloud providers. We also see ourselves as partners with our customers by contributing our cloud expertise to the cooperation and jointly selecting the best cloud solution.

  • Many structures can be adopted and implemented, but in terms of automatic scaling and flexibility, we always recommend relying on existing cloud service modules in terms of automatic scaling and flexibility. Almost all processes can be better mapped in the cloud than with your grown solution. Arvato Systems is at your side as a reliable and competent contact and sparring partner for all questions. You can generate all the cloud benefits by converting the entire architecture of your HIS to cloud modules. Simple lift & shift models are less advisable here.

  • First of all, it only takes 30 minutes of your time as a decision-maker for us to have a primary discussion to understand where your goals and needs lie. This forms the basis for the rest of the process. We then compare your requirements with state-of-the-art solutions and use this to develop a tailor-made offer that future-proofs your HIS solution and your data storage, backup, and retrieval.

  • As an IT service provider in Germany that thinks globally and acts locally, we constantly exchange ideas with all key players in politics, business, and IT. Arvato Systems also operates the central services of the TI in Germany - supplemented by its products such as the TI messenger "tim+". We conduct our research and development and are driven by improving the overall healthcare situation in Germany. No trend - but also no way - leads past us.

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Your Contact for The Digitization of Hospital Information Systems

Laurin Hardt
Expert for digitization in the German healthcare sector