
Streamline Your Marketing Efforts

with a new comprehensive dashboard

Arvato Systems has partnered with brand and content marketing agency Territory, a 100% subsidiary of G+J, on an innovative and marketing-focused proof of concept. This POC features the development of an interactive and comprehensive dashboard which has the ability to monitor all marketing campaigns and activities within a single tool.

By combining all data into one tool, the marketing dashboard streamlines manual processes by automating data collection from various sources and individual campaigns in real-time. The dashboard then visualizes all the data in interactive reports on a comprehensive panel. The resulting innovative new dashboard is a step towards marketing automation and decreases the efforts of the manual reporting process immensely.

Additionally, the dashboard allows marketing and sales teams to collaborate more closely by featuring not only marketing relevant data, but also the corresponding sales numbers. The dashboard enables data to be individually selected based on changing needs and then displays the collected data graphically, fluctuating through the lifecycle of one or various marketing campaigns simultaneously. Also, the option to select different timeframes is implemented in the dashboard’s user interface to create a broader, more detailed view based on the desired reporting preference.


The POC team chose to develop the marketing dashboard based on Microsoft’s Power BI service, a business service specialized on the analytics of big data. Power BI takes collected data and modifies it into insightful and meaningful information. By transforming data into stunning visuals, insights of the data are shown on one combined dashboard, allowing the user to make fast and informed decisions. Any collected data can be used, independent of location or origin tool. Thus, Power BI is a tool opening up new opportunities when it comes to reporting by allowing the integration of almost all marketing tools which are used globally.

Furthermore, our marketing dashboard POC helps to ensure that no data is restricted to separate KPI silos. All collected data is transitioned and featured into one dashboard with sub-reports, which makes the data available to everyone with an Office365 license after receiving, viewing or accessing rights to the power BI tool. The dashboard highlights data from different analytics sources brought together by Power BI, which collects and then embeds data via data lakes. In our POC, the dashboard accessed and featured website data from Google Analytics and social media data from Talkwalker.


As mentioned, the dashboard overview includes multiple smaller reports which can be tailored to individual needs. In this POC, the Microsoft’s Power BI automatically screened all data for negative social media posts in real-time and grouped them by issues. As a result, the marketing team is able to reduce response times and directly address negative comments or posts before they go viral.

The proof of concept was a success and we are currently working with the Territory team to integrate the dashboard into their daily business.

For further questions about Power BI or the Marketing Dashboard, please feel free to contact Claas Wunderlich.